How do I integrate Recapture with MailChimp?
Recapture can integrate with MailChimp to synchronize emails that you collect via Email Collectors to another list in MailChimp. That allows you to send newsletters or product promotions to users who express interest in your site without extra work on your part to move emails from Recapture->MailChimp.
To activate MailChimp integration, you need to do a few simple steps:
1) Click on the name of your store menu on the far right side and find "Account Settings", click on it:
2) Scroll toward the bottom of the screen until you find "Integrations".
3) Click on MailChimp's "Integrate" button. This will open a login screen asking for your MailChimp username/password. Enter it, and click "Log in":
4) You're not done just yet! Now navigate to your Email Collectors: 5) Click on Settings from the Email Collectors menu:
6) At the top, you'll want to change the Auto Sync settings:
a) Change Status to "Enabled". This will add more options to select:
b) Pick "MailChimp"
c) Select the mailing list name from MailChimp you want to send the emails
7) Be sure to SAVE your settings when you finish at the bottom!