How do I integrate Recapture with Zapier?
Recapture can integrate with Zapier to trigger additional actions once a cart is abandoned on your store. There are literally hundreds of other providers you can integrate with from Zapier that allow you to do all kinds of things with that data--for example, synchronize the email with a CRM like Highrise or Salesforce, send an event to a Slack chat room you might be monitoring, or create row in a Google Docs spreadsheet for manual tracking. Zapier is a powerful event-based trigger tool that gives you all kinds of flexibility and power with Recapture.
To activate Zapier integration, you need to do a few simple steps:
1) Click on the name of your store menu on the far right side and find "Account Settings", click on it:
2) Scroll toward the bottom of the screen until you find "Integrations".
3) Click on Zapier's "Integrate" button. This opens this page, where you click on "Activate Integration"
4) After you click the button, you'll be taken to where you'll see this page. You'll need to Login with your existing account OR create a new account with the buttons/links at the bottom:
5) When you click the orange button, you'll be asked to login:
6) And once you're in, you must click the NEW orange button to create a Zap (a triggered event in Zapier) to use:
7) You may see this step, if you have already accepted a previous invite, then you will have multiple options when choosing our app:
You need to pick the latest version (As of Jan 2023, currently 1.5.2
Once you've completed that last step, the world of Zapier is now open to you for working on any kind of connection you need to make with your email collector or abandoned cart data.
What Data is Available For Each Trigger?
Recapture offers a lot of information that we know about to be passed into the various triggers so that you have the most information to work with downstream in your Zap.
Keep in mind that these data are going to be in JSON format, so if you're not sure what that looks like, we recommend sending test events to see the actual format of the record and data. The records are sparse, meaning that if we don't have the data, we don't populate that field.
Data Available by Trigger
date_converted: Date review_count: Number reviewer_email: String reviewer_first_name: String reviewer_last_name: String reviews: Array: sku: String author: String title: String review: String price_rating: Number value_rating: Number quality_rating: Number name: String
campaign_name: String order_value: Number date_sent: Date email_subject: String recipient_email: String recipient_first_name: String recipient_last_name: String
email: String phone: String first_name: String last_name: String external_id: String grand_total: Number created_at: Date updated_at: Date is_converted: Boolean is_abandoned: Boolean date_converted: Date is_assisted_conversion: Boolean products: Array: name: String sku: String price: Number price_display: String variant_id: String product_id: String external_id: String category_ids: String Array category_names: String Array tags: String Array
campaign_name: String cart_value: Number date_sent: Date email_subject: String recipient_email: String recipient_first_name: String recipient_last_name: String products: Array: name: String sku: String price: Number qty: Number image: String
campaign_name: String date_sent: Date email_subject: String recipient_email: String recipient_first_name: String recipient_last_name: String
campaign_name: String date_sent: Date email_subject: String recipient_email: String recipient_first_name: String recipient_last_name: String
email: String phone: String