Segmenting your Campaigns in Recapture

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Recapture has a powerful Segmenting tool that enables you to target specific abandoned cart emails to customers. 

Why should I segment my campaigns?

Sending targeted emails will greatly improve open, click and conversion rates on your emails. Studies have shown that customers respond much better to targeted, meaningful emails. A couple examples to consider:

Send an email with specific advantages to a certain brand. Do you sell a brand that is considered premium or luxury? Don't just send a generic message to people who abandoned that brand, instead send them an email that talks specifically to the advantages of the brand. 

Send a more personal email to high value customers. If a customer abandoned a cart worth more than $1,000, you can send them an email that contains a more personal tone. These customers may respond better when they realize that a real person can help them out with the order, instead of feeling like they got the same automated email as everybody else.

Send a emails to customers that previously opened your emails already. Your best customers are always the ones that ALREADY bought from you--so why not send a personal message to just them?  With Recapture you can.

Send a discount code to price sensitive customers. Do you have a product or brand that tends to be very competitive and price sensitive? If someone abandons these products, send them an email in 10 minutes with a discount code to help land the sale.

What can I segment by?

We have identified the core attributes that are needed to create highly targeted and relevant emails to each customer. These are the core attributes of each cart that you can segment by .

Abandoned Cart Segments Available:

  • Cart Tag: Send to carts that have a specific tag added to them in Shopify (Shopify only)
  • Customer Group:  Target carts based on the customer group of the shopper. Use the exact name of the customer group as seen in Magento. (Magento only)
  • Customer Tag: Use a tag that you defined on your Customers and send emails only to them.
  • Discount Code: Send to customers that have received a particular discount code in the past
  • Email Address:  Target orders based on the email address of the shopper.
  • Email Interaction:  Target carts based on the customers previous interactions with emails that we have sent them.
  • First Name:  Target orders based on the first name of the shopper.
  • Grand Total:  Target carts based on their grand total.
  • IP Country: Target customers based on the country we detect from the IP address of their browser
  • Language: Target customers based on the language we detect from the browser's metadata
  • Last Name:  Target order based on the last name of the shopper.
  • New Customer: Allows you to target customers who haven't purchased before. Same filter as Purchase Count = 0.
  • Product Collection: Send to customers that bought some product from a specific collection (Shopify only)
  • Product Count:  Target carts based on the number of unique products.
  • Product ID: Send to orders that included a specific product by its ID
  • Product Name:  Target orders based on the product names they contain. Because names of products can change over time, we recommend using Product SKU or Product ID instead.
  • Product Quantity Count:  Target carts based on the combined quantity of all products.
  • Product SKU:  Target orders based on the product SKUs they contain.
  • Product Tag/Category:  Target last placed orders based the product's tag/category. (depends on platform what is available)
  • Purchase Count: Send to customers who bought this many times from you
  • Variant ID: Send to customers that bought a product with this Variant ID. Use in conjunction with Product ID or Product SKU for best accuracy.

Review Booster Segments Available:
  • Product Count:  Target orders based on the number of unique products.
  • Product Quantity Count:  Target orders based on the combined quantity of all products.
  • Customer GroupT:  arget orders based on the customer group of the shopper. Use the exact name of the customer group as seen in Magento.
  • Grand Total:  Target orders based on their grand total.
  • Email Interaction:  Targets order based on the customers previous interactions with emails that we have sent them.
  • Product SKU:  Target orders based on the product SKUs they contain.
  • Product Name:  Target orders based on the product names they contain.
  • Email Address:  Target orders based on the email address of the shopper.
  • First Name:  Target orders based on the first name of the shopper.
  • Last Name:  Target orders based on the last name of the shopper.
  • Language:  Target customers based on their language (taken form their browser settings).
  • IP Country:  Target customers based on their country (taken from their IP address).
  • Billing Country:  Target orders based on the billing country.
  • Shipping Country:  Target orders based on the shipping country.
  • Product Tag/Category:  Target last placed orders based the product's tag/category. (depends on platform what is available)

Winback Segments Available:
  • Email Interaction:  Target order based on the customers previous interactions with emails that we have sent them.
  • Email Address:  Target order based on the email address of the shopper.
  • First Name:  Target order based on the first name of the shopper.
  • Last Name:  Target order based on the last name of the shopper.
  • Product Tag/Category:  Target last placed orders based the product's tag/category. (depends on platform what is available)

Broadcast Segments Available:
  • Email Interaction:  Target order based on the customers previous interactions with emails that we have sent them.
  • Campaign Email Interaction: Send to people who have or haven't interacted with specific kinds of campaigns (e.g. abandoned cart, winback, broadcast, etc)
  • Customer Tag: Use a tag that you defined on your Customers and send emails only to them.
  • Days Since Last Active: Target customers based on the time they last interacted with your store
  • Days Since Last Purchase: Send email to customers based on the recency of their last purchase with you
  • Discount Code: Send to customers that have received a particular discount code in the past
  • Email Address:  Target orders based on the email address of the shopper.
  • First Name:  Target orders based on the first name of the shopper.
  • Fulfillment Status: Target specific orders based on the state of the order fulfillment (e.g. shipped, canceled, etc)
  • IP Country: Target customers based on the country we detect from the IP address of their browser
  • Language: Target customers based on the language we detect from the browser's metadata
  • Last Name:  Target order based on the last name of the shopper.
  • Last Active Date: Send email based on the specific date the customer was last active
  • Last Purchase Date: Send email based on the specific date the customer last bought something from you
  • Last Purchase Grand Total: Send email based on the specific amount the customer spent on their last purchase from you
  • New Customer: Allows you to target customers who haven't purchased before. Same filter as Purchase Count = 0.
  • New Person in Last N Days: Used to target customers that have been added to your Contact list in the last N days
  • Order State: More generic version of Fulfillment Status, based on any state the order can be in.
  • Order Tag: Send to customers with orders that have a specific tag that was added in Shopify (Shopify only)
  • Payment Method Code: Target customers who paid using a specific gateway by internal code
  • Payment Method Name: Target customers who paid using a specific gateway by name
  • Previously Purchased: Send to customers that bought from you at any time
  • Product Collection: Send to customers that bought some product from a specific collection (Shopify only)
  • Product ID: Send to orders that included a specific product by its ID
  • Product SKU:  Target orders based on the product SKUs they contain.
  • Product Name:  Target orders based on the product names they contain. Because names of products can change over time, we recommend using Product SKU or Product ID instead.
  • Product Tag: Send to customers with products that have a specific tag that was added in Shopify (Shopify only)
  • Purchase Count: Send to customers who bought this many times from you
  • Received Broadcast Count: Send to customers who have been sent this many broadcast emails
  • Shipping Country: Send to customers that added this country to their shipping address
  • Variant ID: Send to customers that bought a product with this Variant ID. Use in conjunction with Product ID or Product SKU for best accuracy.

How do I setup segmenting in Recapture?

We keep it simple because we know you just need to get it done quickly.
Too many times segmenting tools are so complex you can barely understand how to begin. Our tool uses plain language and is intuitive at each step. Here are the steps (yes, it really is this easy!):

Step 1: Visit the SEGMENTING tab under a specific campaign and add rules. 
Step 2: Repeat Step 1 for each other campaign you want to segment.

You can also save segments for later use--define "VIP Customers" once and reuse it on multiple campaigns. 

Plain language logic makes it easy for you to understand what the email is being targeted to.

Here are a couple examples to get you started...

The easiest way to get started is to first visit your Live Cart Feed ( and just watch what people are abandoning. Instead of trying to make up segments, look at the actual segments that should already exist. Do you have a lot of high value carts being abandoned? Is a specific brand or product being abandoned frequently?

Example 1: Send a personal email to high value carts.

You should already have your standard Campaigns setup. As we add segmenting, we will leave the standard Campaigns as our final catch-all. So we are not removing or rebuilding our existing campaigns, we are just setting up some new, narrowly targeted campaigns.

We want to send this email within 20 minutes of the cart being abandoned. So let's create a new Campaign with these settings:

Campaign Name: High value, personal email

Email Subject: Is there anything I can help you with?

Preview Text: Our experts are available to help.

Send Delay: Send 20 Minutes after cart is abandoned.

The next page will be the DESIGNER but first let's click on the SEGMENTING tab.

First, we want to make sure that ANY of the following conditions is selected. Since we only have 1 condition for this Segment, choosing ALL would have the same effect. 

From the Rule dropdown we want to choose Cart Total, then choose is greater than, and enter a value of 1000. Cart value will be localized to your currency. So if you have your currency setup as USD and enter 1000, that means $1,000 USD. If your currency is set to Pounds, then entering 1000 will mean £1,000.

Now we can click SAVE, and then build out our Email on the DESIGNER tab. Make sure to build your targeted emails to speak directly to the segment you have built. 

Example 2: Send a targeted email to customers who abandoned a specific Brand.

To target products, you have to target Cart Product SKU. If your SKUs do not already contain a brand identifier, you would need to add one. Otherwise you can target multiple SKUs with a single rule.

This is a rule that is used by to target customers who have abandoned Lloyd Flanders product. A specific email is sent out to those customers with targeted information about the Lloyd Flanders brand.

These are just 2 simple examples that will enable you to send customers more targeted emails. We are excited to see how you use the Recapture Segmenting Tool!

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