How create and edit a broadcast campaign

Before you get started

Make sure you've already followed ALL of the steps in Getting Started with Broadcasts to get familiar with the basics and prepare your account for sending.  You can't send until you've done those bits first.

Also, you'll want to import your contacts (if you're doing something like migrating from another platform).  Please see our article on Importing Contacts via CSV for more details first.

Creating New Broadcasts

You'll start from the Broadcast campaigns page, which can be accessed from here:

Broadcasts are broken up into 3 types:  Draft, Sent, and Cancelled

Drafts are all those campaigns you're editing, but haven't scheduled or sent yet.

Sent are the ones that you've successfully sent already.

And Cancelled are the ones you created, started to send, and then decided to stop them before they finished.

Step 1: Click New Broadcast to start

You'll be creating a Draft campaign to start with.  Start by clicking New Broadcast as shown in the image above.

This will create a screen where you can begin to fill out the details.  

Step 2: Fill out basic information about the campaign itself

The top 3 fields are required (and have some default settings that you'll likely want to change.  The Subject and Preview Text are visible by your customers.  The Campaign Name is not visible and is for your use only.

The UTM parameters can be set as well, although this optional.  Recapture will add these to any links you have inside of your campaign to help you track clicks from within your Google Analytics account.

After you've entered the data to your satisfaction, click Next Step at the bottom:

Step 3 (optional): Segment your campaign

You can split up your contact list to target the email to a specific subgroup of customers using segmenting.  This is optional, but highly recommended.  Segmented lists tend to have 50% higher open and click rates over unsegmented lists.

Segmenting here behaves the same way as any other Recapture campaign.  To learn more about how to create and use segments, please read our How to use segmenting article.

When you've defined your segment, or are ready to move on, click Next Step.

Step 4: Create your email content

Now we're at the good part!  You can write your email.  By default, we'll assign the WYSIWYG editor to your campaign where you can drag-and-drop blocks from the left into your email and create it quickly and easily.  Configure each block by clicking on the block in the middle, and then editing the attributes on the right sidebar of the editor.

IMPORTANT: When you're done, be sure to click Save

You can also click Preview to see what your email will look like with sample data in our browser.  From there, you can also send a test email to yourself to view it in an actual client with merged data.  For more information on how to do that, see our article on Previewing Emails and Sending Tests.

Step 5: Send or schedule your email broadcast

After you're happy with the content and have previewed it appropriately, the next step is to send it off or schedule it for sending.

Click the Send button first.

Which gives you the option to send now, or schedule for later:

Just make your choice and finally, click Send.  That's it!

Editing Existing Broadcasts

Start by clicking Edit on the Draft campaign you want to change, from this page:

Hover your mouse over the campaign and the button will appear:

What you see will be similar to Creating a New Broadcast, except you won't be given the screens in steps, you'll see a menu for all three steps together.

Clicking Edit will take you to the 3-step editor to complete the campaign: You can skip steps here if you need to (for example, if you aren't segmenting).  But you should always review every step to make sure the settings reflect exactly what you want with your broadcast.

These steps are covered above under Creating New Broadcasts, so we won't repeat them here. 

When you're done editing all aspects of the campaign, you'll click Send to schedule for later or deliver immediately:

Which gives you the option:

Just make your choice and finally, click Send

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