How to setup and use Email Collectors (Email and Mobile Number Popups)

Email and Mobile Phone Collectors are just Recapture's way of allowing you to configure Email Popups for your store.  They can be used to download emails directly or synchronize to your MailChimp mailing lists (see our Integration documentation for details) or using Zapier, to synchronize with any supported email provider they integrate with (see Zapier documentation for details as well)

Email and Mobile Phone Collectors in Recapture are easy to setup and allow you to use a number of pre-configured templates.  You can setup the call-to-action (CTA), the text, the background color, button color and more.

What can Email and Mobile Phone Collectors do?

Email collectors are good for:

  • Building your email list by offering a discount for signing up
  • Build your SMS contact list by offering an incentive to join your text list
  • Asking the users for their email address or phone or both before they add an item to cart (increases your chances for recovering abandoned carts!)
  • Asking the users additional questions for campaign personalization!  Now available.

When can I trigger a Popup?

Email collectors can be triggered in various ways.  In Recapture, we support the following:
  • Timed delay (Wait X seconds before showing the collector)
  • Triggered popups
    • When the user adds an item to their cart
    • When the user browses X number of pages
    • When the user views X number of products
    • When the user leaves the page
  • Re-triggered popups
    • After the previous event, decide whether to hide forever or popup again (if they dismiss) after some future delay or event

How can I configure Email and Mobile Phone Collectors?

Email Collectors are configured under

Email collectors are created under

or by clicking on the Collectors button at the top:

You can configure one active email collector (but you can create as many as you like, and enable one at a time.  This is good if you have special promotions, holiday discounts, etc and allows you to swap them out easily)

You can enable the collector by clicking the switch on the far left from Off to On.

To create a new Collector:

  1. Click Add Collector at the bottom right of the list of collectors on your screen:

  2. Now, give your collector a name and decide when you want to make it appear.  Click Next Step when you're done

  3. The first drop down gives you options for timed display, or event based display, so you can pick whatever makes sense:

    1. If you want a coupon revealed after they enter their email, you configure that later on in the workflow
    2. PRO TIP: Popups can be annoying if you show them too often or too soon--we recommend giving your customers a chance to browse on the website before a popup so pick an option where the popup shows only after they engage with your store a bit (like X page views or Y product views)
  4. Next, pick the template you want to use for displaying.  Use the arrows on the left and right to scroll through the designs.
    1. Don't worry--you can modify the colors, text and backgrounds on pretty much everything!  So just use this as a "rough design" for starters:

  5. When you've completed that, now you'll be in the Email Collector editor.  Here you can change all the settings you just made, plus colors and text.  Here's the top left settings where it handles the display logic for the collector

    1. What kind of devices will determine which mobile or desktop devices you want to show the popup on--you can make it either or (so you can make mobile-specific popups, for example).
    2. Show on pages allows you to configure which pages you do or don't show the popup on.  It's important to pick pages where the customer has a change to engage with your site.  For example, picking the home page is generally a bad idea because it's where they first land and this will annoy them.
    3. Add Page allows you to put additional page rules to use for showing the popup.  We give you 3 by default (shown above).  They use pattern matching to determine which pages to use.  The rules above will show the popup if the URL contains "customer", "cart" or "checkout" ONLY
  6. The bottom half of the popup configuration looks like this:

  7. The options work as follows:
    1. First show is a trigger to determine when the email popup will appear.  Pick the event that makes the most sense for you.
    2. What kind of trigger indicates how you want the email popup generated once you reach the "first show" event.

    3. Timed is just a simple number of seconds, 
    4. Exit intent is when they try to leave the browser pane and click "Back" or something else, 
    5. Scroll percent is how far down the page they scroll and 
    6. Inactivity timer is just a simple time after they stop doing anything on the page (usually because they're reading
  8. Lastly, the What to do when they click submit gives you options on how to handle the popup:

    This is a perfect place to reveal a coupon if you want to use the popup that way, otherwise most of the time you want to autohide the collector

    Scrolling down the left side a bit more, you can see the color choices available for various parts of the popup:

    1. We won't cover those in much detail because when you change the values here, the popup preview on the right will change (LIVE) and you'll see the result.  It's pretty intuitive to use.
  9. Below the colors, you can change the text for each item in the popup.

    1. As you select a particular field on the left, the popup will highlight that text on the live preview.  This is what happens when Email Input Placeholder is selected:

  10. When you're done, be sure to click Save on the upper right:

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