How do I setup and edit Campaigns?

Creating New (Triggered) Campaigns in Recapture

Campaigns are the heart and soul of Recapture--with a campaign, you send a particular email that is triggered by an event (such as a cart being abandoned, or a review request following product purchase) sent at a particular time (such as 30 min or 14 days after the event).

Recapture supports 3 types of triggered campaigns today:

  • Abandoned cart emails
  • Post-purchase emails (review reminders, welcome emails, etc)
  • Winback emails

We also support broadcast campaigns (which are scheduled or sent immediately for promotions or newsletters).  Broadcasts are different than triggered campaigns and you can learn about editing broadcast campaigns here.

Others are planned and in the works as well.
We'll use abandoned carts as the primary example here, but the principles we discuss apply to any and all of the triggered campaigns for the most part.

How to add a new Campaign

To create a new campaign, first visit the campaign dashboard for that type.  Those URLs are given below:

Next, click on Add Campaign at the top right:

After that, enter your campaign name, subject line and precise timing of the email:

Don't worry, you can always edit these values later if you need to!  If you're doing Google Analytics tracking of your campaign clicks, you can edit this info in the next box:

IMPORTANT:  If you're on Shopify, you must enter the UTM parameters when you first create the campaign and only at that time.  Because of limitations in the Shopify Marketing API, once you enter these values, they can't be edited later.

Once you're done, click Next Step:

This will take you to the Email editor here:

Where you can fully control the content of what to send.  Be sure to click Save when you're done:

If you want to change your logo, try these steps here.

Editing Existing Campaigns in Recapture

Editing existing campaigns is easy in Recapture.  First, find the campaign you want to change:

Next, hover over the campaign you want to edit and find the edit button:

Click Edit to open up the email editor:

If you want to edit the subject, campaign name, timing or UTM parameters (except on Shopify), find this Setting button and click it:

Which allows you to edit those values:

IMPORTANT:  If you're on Shopify, you must enter the UTM parameters when you first create the campaign and only at that time.  Because of limitations in the Shopify Marketing API, once you enter these values, they can't be edited later.

When you're done, be sure to activate the campaign in order to start sending emails!

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