How do I install Recapture for Easy Digital Downloads (EDD)?
Recapture supports WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, Restrict Content Pro, Paid Memberships Pro, Shopify, CartHook, CrateJoy, Recharge, BigCommerce, Magento 1 and Magento 2. Instructions for installing each are below:
- Magento 1 Instructions
- Magento 2 Instructions
- Shopify Instructions
- WooCommerce Instructions
- Easy Digital Downloads Instructions (below)
- Restrict Content Pro Instructions
- Paid Memberships Pro Instructions
- BigCommerce Instructions
- CartHook Instructions
Setting up Recapture for Easy Digital Downloads is very quick and painless. Like most integrations in WordPress, we came packaged as a Plugin from the repository.
How to Install the Plugin from the Repository
- Login to your admin dashboard in WordPress as an administrator
- Go Plugins->Add New
- In the upper right corner, find the search box:
- Once it appears in the search results, click the Install Now button:
- When it's done, click the Activate button
- Skip to the "Activating Recapture" section below.
How to Install the Plugin manually
- Download the ZIP to your local computer (you may receive this manually from the Support team for a quick-fix)
- Login to your admin dashboard in WordPress as an administrator
- Go Plugins->Add New
- At the top, click the "Upload Plugin" button:
- Click "Browse" and find the ZIP file you need to upload on your local computer
- After you locate the file, click OK and begin the upload
- When it's done, click the Activate Plugin button
- Skip to the "Activating Recapture" section below.
Activating Recapture
Once you have the plugin installed, you'll need to connect to a Recapture account. This is easy to do.
- When your installation is complete, you should end up on this page:
- If you don't see that, you can navigate there manually. Select "Recapture" on the left hand side menu:
- If you don't see that, you can navigate there manually. Select "Recapture" on the left hand side menu:
- Click Connect to Recapture. Your admin email and username will be used to automatically create an account for Recapture. First, we'll verify the details:
- To complete things, you'll need to:
- Add a password
- Accept the terms of service and privacy policy
- Click "Get Started"
- To complete things, you'll need to:
- When you do that, you'll end up in the Recapture dashboard with a checklist of things to complete your setup:
- You'll want to click on "Set your currency and timezone" and select the appropriate choice for you.
- After that, click on "Activate an abandoned cart campaign". This will turn on the emails to start collecting lost revenue. THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT STEP, so don't forget it!
What else I do I need to do after the Easy Digital Downloads integration is active?
You'll want to check a few things out:
- Activate your abandoned cart email campaigns
- You must activate the campaigns, no emails will be sent automatically until you do!
- Turn on the Add to Cart Popup to maximize email collection for abandoned carts
- Look at Winbacks for previous customers who haven't bought in over 30 days
Your analytics will display after your store has sent data for 24 hours. We aggregate data for the dashboard daily, so you'll see how it's working within a day or two
If you're having issues, please don't hesitate to Contact Support.